Weekly update 24 June - 30 June

Weekly update 24 June - 30 June
AI generated imagery

One major birthday this week (psssst look at Tuesday)

PLEASE REMIND INTERNS - #InterhospitalSwaps potentially can happen end of this week. To please update their log books timeously to prevent disappointment.

Monday 24 June

#QuoteForTheDay - “Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” — Maya Angelou


Interesting case for the day: (Theatre 14) Dr Vieira

Aortic dissection for open repair 🔥

69 year old female presenting with hypertensive emergency now for repair of Stanford B DeBakey III aortic dissection repair. (link below)

Tutorial with Dr Steyl - The topic this week is "Anaesthesia and the environment"

Tuesday 25 June

Professor Sandra Spijkerman

Warmest birthday wishes to our wonderful head of department who is not just a leader but a true inspiration. Your dedication to excellence, compassion, and commitment have driven our growth and made the workplace more enjoyable and meaningful. We appreciate your input and assistance in guiding our growth and supporting us in our difficult times.

Wednesday 26 June

Happy hump day for everyone! Midweek. June 26 is the 178th day of the year which means 188 days remain until the end of the year.

Just a reminder of mindfulness meditation for each and everyone of us considering that this month we participated in the #CrazySocksForDocs which promotes mental health awareness in medical professionals.

RuPaul — 'If you don't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?'

Thursday 27 June


In case someone is craving for trending songs that recently went viral

A general reminder that we are planning to host a full team building activity for the entire class #WatchThisSpace

Please be on the lookout for spontaneous get-togethers on whatsapp social group

Friday 28 June

Please confirm and correlate academic presentation with presentor

Academic presentation (as per roster)

Dr Shilenge - Anaesthesia considerations for the child in the Cath lab

Saturday 29 June

Calling for article submissions! Calling forwards all potential writers and that inner journalist from within to come through! Share your experiences, joys or sorrows with the department! #laFamilia

Please contact Dr Wong or Dr Bhabha to submit potential articles!

Sunday 30 June

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